The exploitation of research results is primarily based on publications and patents. Universities and universities of applied sciences, however, also possess numerous types of intellectual property which have a high financial as well as social potential.

Aims of this collaboration project are:

  • Strengthening the exploitation of research results through innovative ways of exploitation
  • Immediate usability of results from artistic research
  • Development of infrastructure and expertise in the utilization of biomaterials
  • Raising researchers’ awareness of alternative uses.

Methods of this collaboration project are:

  • Analysis of international best-practice examples and compilation of building block and method collections or university recommendations for action
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration of artists and technicians for the development of “Plug & Play” solutions
  • Training and counselling of researchers in all phases of a project

CAMPUS 02 Graz
Graz University of Technology
Graz University of Music and Performing Arts
Medical University of Graz
Montanuniversität Leoben
University of Graz
University of Klagenfurt