Companies focusing on research areconnected with universities – possible cooperations are discussed in workshops.

R&D-Round Tables shall stimulate cooperations between universities and companies in order to jointly address research and development challenges. During half-day workshops, on the one hand there is the opportunity for a company to get to know researcher areas of WTZ Süd universities, on the other hand researchers gain insight into research and development issues in the participating company.

So far, five R&D-Round Tables have been realized in cooperation between the University of Graz, Graz University of Technology and the Medical University of Graz. While, up to now mainly companies from the chemical-pharmaceutical industry have taken part, we also prepare now a R&D-Round Table targeting “Humanities, Social and Cultural Sciences”. First results from a systematic evaluation indicate high attractiveness of the initiative to participants and that first cooperations have been already initiated.

Course of R&D Round Tables
Within the framework of the so-called „R&D Round Tables“ companies – with research and development activities – are invited to one of the participating universities. Therefore, a platform is formed for an intensive exchange of experience of managers and researchers from the company as well as the scientists from the universities.

The R&D Round Tables are semidaily workshops in which experts from a particular company and the university institutes take part. The participants from the universities are identified in advance in order to achieve the best possible result. The Round Tables take place with one company, but several in advance chosen university experts in order to ensure an open and trustful professional exchange between the company and the scientists of the universities. Current and planned research projects are presented and discussed mutually.

If required by or of interest for the company partner a visit to the relevant research infrastructure (laboratories, etc.) may be organised.

A part of the services offered by technology transfer experts is also the clarification of the general framework, such as non-disclosure agreements,  contracts, funding possibilities, costs of follow-up projects, etc.



Written by: University of Graz, GF
on: 24/01/2018