1. Spin-off Fellowships

The FFG funding program „Spin-off Fellowship“ enables scientists to concentrate on the further development of their research results to a concrete commercialization-relevant state, (e.g. prototype development). Fellows must not perform other tasks, such as teaching or other research tasks. It is a new career path and leads away from a scientific career at a university or research institution! Funding will be granted up to 18 months with a maximum of EUR 500,000. Mentoring, coaching and further training measures will be provided additionally.


  • Deadline for 2nd Announcement Call 1: end of Q3, start of Q4 2021

The documents (guidelines, template project description, and letter of acknowledgement) as well as further information may be found here on the homepage of the FFG.

FAQ: Answers to FAQs regarding the Spin-off Fellowship

2. Contacts

Coordination WTZ Süd

Stephanie Mühlbacher (mail: muehlbacher@tugraz.at, t 0316 873 6024)

TU Graz, Research & Technology House, Mandellstraße 9, 8010 Graz

Information Centers of the entitled organizations
The knowledge and technology transfer managers of the entitled organizations will provide support and consulting regarding intellectual property rights and the commercialization as well as patent and license management for the applicants. Contact points are:

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Mag. Gernot Faustmann MSc, gernot.faustmann@uni-graz.at

Bioenergy 2020+ GmbH

Dr. Walter Haslinger, walter.haslinger@bioenergy2020.eu

Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Klinisch-Forensische Bildgebung (LBI CFI)

Dr. Alexander Bornik, alexander.bornik@cfi.lbg.ac.at

CBmed GmbH

DI Lucas Pflanzl-Knizacek, lucas.pflanzl@cbmed.at
Dr. Angela Jacan, angela.jacan@cbmed.at

Kunstuniversität Graz

Mag. Dr. Roland Reiter, roland.reiter@kug.ac.at


Ao. Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Andreas Wimmer, andreas.wimmer@lec.tugraz.at

Medizinische Universität Graz

Dr. Michaela Semlitsch, michaela.semlitsch@medunigraz.at

Pro2Future GmbH

Mag. Heimo Theuretzbacher-Fritz, heimo.theuretzbacher-fritz@pro2future.at

Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Lungengefäßforschung

DI Michael Pienn, michael.pienn@lvr.lbg.ac.at

RCPE – Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH

Mag. DI Dr. Thomas Klein, thomas.klein@rcpe.at

Montanuniversität Leoben

DI Dr. Martha Mühlburger, martha.muehlburger@unileoben.ac.at

Virtual Vehicle GmbH

Dr. Aldo Ofenheimer, aldo.ofenheimer@v2c2.at

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Mag. Nadja Christin Vogl, nadjachristin.vogl@aau.at

Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH

Mag. Alexandra Purkarthofer MBA, alexandra.purkarthofer@mcl.at


Mag. Kristina Edlinger-Ploder, kristina.edlinger-ploder@campus02.at

PCCL – Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH

Mag. Martin Payer MBA, martin.payer@pccl.at

FH Kärnten

FH-Prof. Dr. Erich Hartlieb, e.hartlieb@fh-kaernten.at

CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG

Dr. Werner Scherf, werner.scherf@ctr.at

acib GmbH

Mag. Katrin Weinhandl, katrin.weinhandl@acib.at

ÖAW, Institut für Weltraumforschung

DI Dr. Werner Magnes, werner.magnes@oeaw.ac.at


Dr. Roswitha Katter, roswitha.katter@joanneum.at


3. Support Services for applicants

The TU Graz offers the following services:

Competent consultation regarding the application and proposal-check
Competent consultation about the formal criteria and content-related requirements, which differ from other funding programs. Timely, confidential consultation is strongly recommended due to the program specifics. Please contact DI (FH) Stephanie Mühlbacher, mail: muehlbacher@tugraz.at, t 0316 873 6024.

Presentation training for the hearing in front of the FFG
The TU Graz prepares the potential Fellows for the hearing at the FFG. The participants will learn to present their project (e.g. strengths of the team, innovative potential of the technology) in a clear and comprehensible way. The presentation training includes basic presentation techniques as well as a confidential presentation of the own project. Participation at the presentation training is free for the potential Fellows having applied (total duration: 1 day).

Registration under:
DI (FH) Stephanie Mühlbacher
t 0316 873 6024
mail: muehlbacher@tugraz.at

4. Support for approved Fellow-projects

The TU Graz supports Fellows (or Fellow teams) with compulsory basic support and individual support services.

Written by: Graz University of Technology, SM
on: 06/09/2021